Could Progressive Activist Groups Be Interfering With The Wisconsin Supreme Court Election? 
March 21, 2023

Tamira Musgrave



  • The Center for Voter Information admitted to the error of flooding Wisconsin with pre-filled absentee ballot applications. The state Election Commission said that the group’s commercial printer mistakenly listed incorrect voter names on the absentee voter application forms. 
  • Apparently, the Center for Voter Information does not know how many misleading mailers were issued statewide.
  • Numerous voters called in to report the confusing pre-filled and incorrect mailers, primarily in Dane County.
  • Voters across the state are being warned about these screwed-up mailers, creating concern and alarm among voters who already question the security of elections. 
  • The Center for Voter Information and The Voter Participation Center dedicates themselves to electing Democrats, routinely flooding battleground states with voter registration mailers in election years, causing issues and confusion among voters. 
  • The Voter Participation Center has focused on the Wisconsin Supreme Court race, hoping to help elect an ultra-progressive and radical judge, Janet Protasiewicz.

April 4 marks yet another groundbreaking election in Wisconsin; voters can select who they want to see in the Wisconsin Supreme Court. The winner will determine if the GOP maintains its 15-year-long majority or if the balance will shift in the left’s favor. Unfortunately, we have seen more left-leaning groups attacking the integrity and reliability of elections and seemingly trying to confuse voters. 

The Center for Voter Information, a group that has worked relentlessly to elect democrats across the country and register voters, admitted to the error of flooding Wisconsin with pre-filled absentee ballot applications. The state Election Commission said that the group’s commercial printer mistakenly listed incorrect voter names on the absentee voter application forms. 

What could be worse than that? Apparently, the Center for Voter Information does not know how many misleading mailers were issued statewide. In a communication to election clerks across Wisconsin, the Election Commission stated that numerous voters called in to report the confusing pre-filled and incorrect mailers, primarily in Dane County.

Voters across the state are being warned about these screwed-up mailers, creating concern and alarm among voters who already question the security of elections. 

The Center for Voter Information & The Voter Participation Center

The Center for Voter Information is one of two nonprofits based in Washington, D.C., that dedicate their purpose to registering voters and electing Democrats. In conjunction with its partner, the Voter Participation Center, the duo routinely floods battleground states with voter registration mailers in election years. It often causes issues and confusion among voters. 

If we rewind to 2008, the liberally-biased NPR accused the center of “suppressing black voters” to help support Hillary Clinton instead of Barack Obama. NPR called it a “classic example of voter suppression – sowing confusion to drive down turn-out.”

In 2020 in Virginia, the chaotic couple accidentally mailed nearly 600,000 inaccurate absentee ballot forms that stirred up massive confusion, mixing up the counties of Fairfax, Richmond, and Franklin with cities that had similar names. As we see it unfold in Wisconsin, Virginia had to step in and fix the center’s mistake.

North Carolina has also experienced something similar, where residents reported receiving as many as seven mail-in ballot applications, all unsolicited and specifically designed to look like government-issued documents. 

To make things perfectly clear, the Center of Voter Information and the Voter Participation Center aren’t government agencies. Instead, they are privately run, tax-exempt nonprofits created to boost turnout among the Democratic Party’s preferred voters. 

In 2020, the Center for Voter Information spent $583,000 directly aiding Joe Biden’s presidential campaign. Veteran Democratic operative Tom Lopach operates the two centers, and progressive groups fund them. I.e., the Sierra Club, League of Conservation Voters, and Tides Foundation. 

The Voter Participation Center’s website brags about sending out 85.5 million mailers across 32 states during the 2022 midterms. That includes 4 million in Wisconsin; most of these mailers were explicitly sent to “people of color, youth, and unmarried women.” The center refers to these targeted demographics as the “New American Majority.

The Democracy Alliance, one of the key donors to the left, believes that the so-called New American Majority is “central to progressive long-term success” in elections and funds multi-million dollar turnout campaigns that target those specific groups of voters. 

Now the center has focused on the Wisconsin Supreme Court race, hoping to help elect an ultra-progressive and radical judge, Janet Protasiewicz. Some call her an activist judge, and she has admitted to “embracing” the progressive label concerning a myriad of issues. This can be alarming and suggest she may base her decision on personal opinions or feelings instead of upholding the Constitution. 

Here’s the catch, tax-exempt nonprofits aren’t supposed to do biased voter registration campaigns. The IRS prohibits 501(c)(3) groups, just like the Voter Participation Center, from running unfair campaigns which favor one party over another.

Democratic turnout group “Mind the Gap” advises donors to dump their millions towards 501(c)(3) nonprofits that engaged in “voter registration focused on underrepresented groups” because these programs are “2-5 times more cost-effective at netting additional Democratic votes than the tactics that campaigns will invest in.

The Solution

States can explore bans on nonprofit voter registrations and mail-in ballots; Wisconsin decided it was time to address ballot drop boxes. In a 4-3 decision, the Supreme Court ruled that absentee ballot drop boxes are deemed illegal, and voters must send their ballots by mail or deliver them in person to verified locations. 

Congress can also investigate the IRS’s failure to crack down on these activist groups using nonprofits to affect election outcomes. We can only hope that future reform will eventually transition the nonprofit sector back to its original intention: wholesome, old-fashioned charity designed to help people in need, not to help elect extreme politicians.

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