Former Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker Says He Doesn’t Plan on Running for Senate in 2024, Says Supreme Court Race Is “Everything”
March 29, 2023

Tamira Musgrave



  • Scott Walker stated he will not pursue a position in the Senate in the future 2024 election.
  • Walker commented about the upcoming election in April for Supreme Court, telling voters to pay attention and saying the election is “everything.”
  • The WI supreme court election will determine whether or not republicans maintain the majority or if the progressive Democrat Janet Protasiewicz will take the seat and shift the balance.
  • Scott Walker mentioned his role as president of the conservative youth organization, Young America’s Foundation (YAF), when explaining his reasoning for passing on the Senate position.
  • Janet Protasiewicz will be facing off with Dan Kelly, who was appointed to the court by Walker in 2016.
  • Walker commented about Protasiewicz, “The appeal she and her allies are making is this is their chance to undo everything that we’ve done over the past dozen years or so.”

Former Governor and Republican Scott Walker stated he will not pursue a position in the Senate in the future 2024 election. The successful two-term governor doesn’t feel the need to run at this point, citing that he has plenty of time and that the position of WI Senator simply isn’t all that appealing to him. 

Walker also made his stance clear on the upcoming April 4 Supreme Court Election, warning voters to pay close attention to this election. 

Walker Says the YAF Ranks Higher on His List of Priorities

Scott Walker mentioned his role as president of the conservative youth organization, Young America’s Foundation (YAF), when explaining his reasoning for passing on the Senate position. He believes that his work and service to the YAF is a top priority, duty, and obligation, and he is committed to serving the organization until around 2025.

“The work I’m doing with young people right now is critically important. Looking at the margins, the 18-21-year-olds, 75% or higher, are voting liberal. We have to get our core values aligned with where they had been in the past.  We need to make inroads, or it won’t matter if I run, or anyone else does,” Walker said in an interview. 

Walker, who ran for president in 2016, also said he didn’t see the senate position as suitable for him. “After getting so much done as Governor, I would be bored as Senator,” Walker explained. He also told the New York Times, “I’m a quarter-century younger than Joe Biden, so I’ve got plenty of time.” But, he added, “But not in ‘24.”

Walker Focuses Attention on Supreme Court Race; Says it is “Everything” 

Scott Walker called the supreme court race “everything,” wrapping it up in one simple but powerful word. What makes the April 4 election so critical is that it’s an open window of opportunity for Democrats (and radical progressives) to gain a majority on the court, which the GOP has securely held for 15 years. 

Janet Protasiewicz, the far-left Judge now running for that valuable, vacant Supreme Court seat, has made concerning moves during her campaign. Protasiewicz has been openly campaigning as a judicial activist, saying judges should share their values and feelings, and she has also categorized herself in an interview as “very, very progressive.” 

Janet Protasiewicz will be facing off with Dan Kelly, who was appointed to the court by Walker in 2016. Walker recalls appointing Dan Kelly to fill the supreme court vacancy, stating that Kelly was “someone who understood that the ultimate objective of the judiciary is to uphold the constitution and those laws duly enacted within it. He understood that better than just about anybody I’ve ever interviewed.”

Walker called out Protasiewicz, “The appeal she and her allies are making is this is their chance to undo everything that we’ve done over the past dozen years or so.” She’s also hinted at invalidating the Republican-drawn state legislative and congressional maps recently put in place, calling them “rigged” on multiple occasions.  

“We’ve seen something like $15 billion in tax relief since 2011,” Walker pointed out. “The most important thing we did with Act 10 was take the power out of the hands of a handful of union bosses and put it into the hands of the taxpayers and the people they duly elect. Those things have saved millions and millions of dollars that schools were able to reinvest into the classrooms, in some cases rewarding exceptional teachers,” he adds. It’s been 12 years since Act 10 was passed, and Wisconsin is still reaping the benefits of it. 

The state court could undo all this, plus much more, if Protasiewicz wins the seat. Walker mentions the potential negative impacts of an activist-run state supreme court and the profound implications it could have on school-choice programs, welfare reform, tax reform, and much more in Wisconsin—one of the top issues being criminal justice. 

Walker commented, “With an activist court, you could see a court that put in place new sentencing guidelines and get rid of cash-bail requirements. There have been a number of examples where prosecutors requested prison time, and Judge Protasiewicz failed to rule on that.”

People need to pay attention to this particular election because of the sheer power it holds. There would be “nowhere else to turn to provide relief from their radical agenda,” Walker says. 

If progressives snag the court, the scales will tip in their favor, giving them much more power to make significant changes. As a result, they could and most likely will make a significant impact on governance in Wisconsin for the years to come, and we could be seeing a lot of abuse within these salient roles in the name of activism. 

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