10 Questions Young Couples Should Ask When Considering Starting a Family
September 17, 2024

Remso W. Martinez

Starting a family is a big decision and comes with a lot of joy, but also responsibilities. If you and your partner are thinking about taking that next step, here are ten questions to discuss before making the decision.

1. Are We Financially Ready?
Raising a child can be expensive, from diapers to daycare to saving for college. Take a deep dive into your finances to make sure you’re both ready for the added costs that come with parenthood.

2. How Will We Share Parenting Responsibilities?
It’s important to have a conversation about how tasks will be divided—who’s doing the night feedings, diaper changes, and managing doctor appointments. Being clear from the start can help avoid future resentment.

3. How Will This Impact Our Careers?
A new baby means adjustments in work schedules and career goals. Discuss how both of you feel about potential career sacrifices and the possibility of one parent staying home or reducing hours at work.

4. What Are Our Parenting Values?
Do you both agree on discipline styles? What about education or religion? It’s essential to be on the same page when it comes to raising your future children.

5. Are We Ready Emotionally?
Having a child requires a significant emotional investment. Ask yourselves if you’re both in a place where you feel emotionally stable and ready for this new chapter.

6. Do We Have a Strong Support System?
Having a good support system is key for new parents. Ask yourselves if you have family or friends who can help, and if not, how you plan to handle parenting without that network.

7. How Will This Affect Our Relationship?
Children can strengthen relationships, but they can also bring stress. It’s important to discuss how you will make time for each other and continue to nurture your relationship.

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8. What Is Our Plan for Childcare?
Whether you plan to have one parent stay home, use daycare, or hire a nanny, it’s important to know what your childcare plan will be, and how much it will cost.

9. What Are Our Long-Term Goals for Our Family?
Talk about how many children you want, where you want to live, and the kind of life you envision for your family. Make sure your long-term goals are aligned.

10. How Will We Handle the Unexpected?
Parenthood doesn’t always go according to plan. Discuss how you’ll handle challenges that come your way—whether they are health issues, financial difficulties, or parenting disagreements.

Starting a family is a beautiful and life-changing decision, but being prepared will help set the foundation for a smoother journey into parenthood. Taking the time to ask these questions now can help strengthen your bond and ensure that you’re both on the same page for the future.

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